Our Projects

Some of our accomplished and ongoing projects

Airbus SAS, France (2005 –…)

Engineering services to Airbus DOA IM Department for DOA and Design Supplier Management/ DOID in Airbus programs: A400M(civil/military), A320PtF and A350; Airbus Design Organisation process/procedures improvements

EASA, Europe (2007-2009) 

Member in EASA chaired rule making group: Task 21.024(b) “Subpart J, The Future of Design Organisation Approval (DOA) – Recognition of Suppliers, Contractors and Test Houses”. NPA is prepared by the rulemaking group

ASCO Industries, Belgium
(2005-2007), (2011-2012), (2015-2018) 

Engineering services to set up ASCO Design Organisation (organisation structure, process, procedure) complaint to Airbus DOA and Part 21; Independent System Monitoring (ISM) support and Design Assurance coaching; Part 21 Trainings

SSM/STM, Turkey (2007- 2008)

Establishment of Turkish Military Authority organisation, process and resources; EASA Part 21 Trainings; Military Design Organisation Approval process and its implementation in a pilot project

ASD-STAN/ DOA TT Project, Europe (2012- ..)

Develop DOA standards as a means of compliance to EASA Part 21. The objective is to have them issued as industry standards by ASD-STAN and have them recognised by EASA as AMC/GM.

MET responsibility covers technical management of the project and participation as technical experts in several working groups

EU-Russia Project, Europe (2007-2009)

Industrial Cooperation with Russia, sponsored by EU commission – Harmonization of IR21 and CS25 with equivalent Russian Regulations. The project completed with the preparation of Recommendation Booklet and its presentation to EASA and Russian Airworthiness Authorities.

MET responsibility was the Technical Project Management and the European Lead for the Supplier Control Working Group and to provide EASA Part 21 trainings

TÜBİTAK Bilgem, Turkey (2021)

Airworthiness & Certification and EASA Part 21 Trainings


ASELSAN, Turkey (2012-2013)

Gap Analysis for ASELSAN MGEO with respect to EASA Part21 Subpart J(Design) and G(Production) and Subpart O(ETSO); DOID and EASA Part 21 Trainings